Power of Health – Myofascial Videos by Dr. Erin Denil

Additional videos will display at the end of each video


Find two tender spots along one muscle.  Hold each of the points for 30-45 seconds.  Repeat on a different muscle.  Do not hold points on 1 muscle for more than 2 minutes.  Foam rolling is a great way to assist the healing process at home.


This video demonstrates how to effectively foam roll the inner thigh (adductor) muscles.  This is especially helpful for most people who squat and their knees bow in.


This video demonstrates how to effectively foam roll the gluteal (butt) muscles.  The gluteal muscles can compress the sciatic nerve and by foam rolling, there is potential to help decrease the sciatic pain if it is coming from compression of the glutes.


This video demonstrates the proper technique to foam roll the iliotibial band.  This band is usually very tight on runners.  Many people who experience knee pain can benefit from foam rolling this area of the body.