Welcome to the Holistic Wellness Academy
The Holistic Wellness Academy: is an 8-Week Weight Loss & Transformation Program that is designed to teach you how to instill positive healthy habits for life. The degree of success with the program is proportional to the degree that you are consistent with the program. The program is delivered via a Private Facebook Group. Access to the group will be granted after the client pays for the program. No refunds after 24 hours access to the program. There are no guaranteed results of the program. Individual results may vary.

Course Benefits
- Weight loss of 10-15 pounds or more over the course of 8 weeks
- Improvements in overall energy levels
- Better Sleep
- Forming “Healthy for Life” habits and lifestyle
- Schedule prioritization based on your wants and needs
- Positive Mental Outlook on life
- Increased self confidence and self esteem
- Improve overall gut health
- Reconnect with trusting yourself
- Cost for the educational course that is delivered in a Private Facebook Group: $500 (plus tax)
- Optional Styku Body Scan or In Body scans (~$150 for three scans)
- Optional Supplements: ~$577
- Estimated cost if you take advantage of all options in the program: $1227
What you will receive for your investment ($500 initial investment which grants access to the course materials via the Private Facebook Group)
- Lifetime access to The Holistic Wellness Academy Private Facebook Group/ Course- all videos and training will be available to you for life.
- Options for improving the amount of weight loss you may experience with the program and improved overall gut health when purchasing supplements
- Turn in weekly tracking sheets to Dr. Erin for accountability and to keep yourself on track
- Access to Dr. Erin via text or FB messenger where Dr. Erin will respond twice daily to your questions the first 8 weeks of your program investment.
- The potential to connect with other group members via Facebook
- Paper accountability tracker
- Measurable results with taking before and after photos, and the body scans or Renpho scale measurements.
- Optional 1 on 1 30 minute sessions with Dr. Erin for Lifestyle/Nutritional/Exercise coaching for an additional $75 per session
Outline Checklist:
- Need photos pre, mid, and post program
- Need a food scale
- Need to view the course content
- Need to apply the concepts from the course content
- Need to track and share your weekly tracking sheets with Dr. Erin
- Optional Styku Body Scan/InBody/DexaScan/Body Composition scale and will be measuring pre, mid, and post program or a renpho scale
- Optional investment for program supplements to improve gut health and weight loss goals. Need to follow the Facebook Guides each week in the Holistic Lifestyle Academy and apply the weekly instructions
Pre-training Requirements
- Take a photo of yourself from the front, side and back
- Need photos before you start the program
- Need photos at the end of Month 1
- Need photos at the end of Month 2
- Get your body composition checked Up to$150 for pre, mid program, and post program scans
Option 1: Get a Styku Body Scan or In Body Scan
- The Green Bay YMCAs offer the Styku body scans greenbayymca.org/styku/
- In Body Scans
- Lifestyle Wellness Chiropractic
- Croc Center
- Wagner Integrative Medicine
Option 2: Purchase a Renpho scale or other body composition scales (~$50) that you can get statistics on your lean body mass (this scan is not as accurate, and it is still a good option.
- Need a scan/scale before you start the program.
- Check lean body mass prior to starting the program
- Check lean body mass after Week 4
- Check lean body mass after Week 8
- Order the required Month 1 supplements before you start the program
- Order the required Month 2 supplements before you start month 2
- Order a food scale that measure in grams or be able to convert a scale from ounces to grams ~$10
- Fully Commit to Yourself and the Completion of the program to the best of your ability
Optional Supplements $546
- Month 1 on the program: $289
Optimal Health Pack $113 includes:
- Multivitamin-mineral (all body systems health),
- Probiotic (gut-brain health),
- Digestive Enzyme (better absorb all nutrients),
- Longevi D/K2 (vitamin D deficiency is common,
- Vitamin D3 is now being classified as a hormone),
- Essential Fatty Acid (brain and cellular health in general), Arginine NO (stimulates nitrite oxide for heart health)
- Purchase it here: optimalhealthsystems.com/products/optimal-health-pak/#code=OHSEDENIL
- Months 2 on the program: $257
- Optimal Health Pack $113
- Flora Blitz Pak $78
- Opti-GI $34
- Opti Liver Kidney $32 (1)
- In Body or DEXA Scan: price varies by location
(You will have enough Opti-GI and Opti- Liver Kidney to last three months.)
Flora Blitz Pak $78 includes:
- Probiotics
- Purchase it here: optimalhealthsystems.com/products/flora-blitz-100/#code=OHSEDENIL
Opti-GI $34
- GI health supplements
- Please note this product contains colostrum or the first expressing of cow milk, which helps with leaky gut
- Purchase it here: optimalhealthsystems.com/products/opti-gi/#code=OHSEDENIL
Opti Liver Kidney $32 (1)
- Liver kidney supplement 0 optimalhealthsystems.com/products/optimal-liver-kidney/#code=OHSEDENIL
- Digest-A-Meal $32 (1) optimalhealthsystems.com/products/optimal-1-digest-a-meal/#code=OHSEDENIL
The INVESTMENT is $500 (plus tax)
For optimal results it’s best to add body scans and supplements to the program. The course is delivered via a private Facebook Group.
The full 8-week course is a $500 ( plus tax) investment, requiring your commitment to watch the videos and apply the training to your life. The results? Truly life-changing! There are optional body scans (additional ~$150) and supplements (~$576) to improve the results of this program and would give more quantifiable results for the program.